$ 243.69
Specifications For use with ionplus® Sure-Flow® ISE electrodesLittle or none of the ion of interest present helps prevent sample contaminationApplication-specific solution formulation improves response timeSmall temperature coefficients reduce electrode potential shifts from changing sample temperatures. When used with ionplus electrodes, error due to temperature change is reduced by over 50%Supplied in 60 mL bottleThomas No.SOL.Use WITH ORION ISE #Thomas No.ION4209N38A964800, 9648BN 9720BN 960900, 9609BN 961600, 9616BN 961700, 9617BN0732M99, 0732N00 0001B50 4210F15, 4210F18 4210K01, 0001B39 4210N85, 4210N88Cd2+ Ca2+ F- S2- Cl-4209N40B960600, 9606BN 968200, 9682BN 961600, 9616BN4210K17, 0001B37 4210F60, 0732M9 4210K01, 0001B39CN- Pb2+ Ag+4209N42D963500, 9635BN 962900, 9629BN 965300, 9653BN0732M97, 0732M98 0732N01, 0732N02 4210K66, 4210K99Br- Cu2+ I-4209N46E9719BN4210E10K+4210S40F9707BN, 930700* 9746BN* 934600, 9346BN0732N04* 0732N05, 0732N06NO3- NO2- NO2-