$ 906.56
Sani-Sponge Kits are offered to test the carcasses for salmonella, E. coli and other pathogens.The SANI-SPONGE kit is designed to collect samples to detect the presence of microbiological contaminations such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, and other food born pathogens on almost any surface. These kits are widely used in the food, medical, public health and cosmetic industries. The SANI-SPONGE kit is convenient, easy to use and helps eliminate several time-consuming steps. Comes in TWIRL'EM® Sterile Sampling bagTWIRL’EM bag with impervious closure systemGamma Sterilized100 units per case (5 pouches of 20 units)Come in two varieties: Dry sponge or Wet SpongeSANI-SPONGE sampling kits are produced in accordance with HACCP, USDA ACIA and CFIA requirements.Caution: Do not use with alcoholic substances or where temperature exceeds 100°C (212°F).