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Dogfish Sharks, Squalus acanthius, Pack of 1



Sharks and the cartilaginous skeletoned fishes are representatives of a group of fish whose ancestors were the first jaw-bearing vertebrates. Except for skeletal degeneration, sharks are good examples of a fairly primitive type.These sharks are from the Class Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii squalus, the dogfish sharksShark color injections differ from the standard color progression (see Injection Key)Packed in Bio-Fresh™Order InfoINJECTION KEYPlain: Circulatory system not injected with colorsSingle: Arterial system injected with red latexDouble: Hepatic portal system injected with blue latexTriple: Systemic veins injected with yellow latex

Additional Information

SKU 13112720
UOM Pack
UNSPSC 60103900
Manufacturer Part Number 132.1095.1