$ 149.34
Reload system gives you easy access to 10 layers of tips that easily snap into the Tipack boxes.Fit leading pipetter brandsAllow you to stock one brand of tip with practical packaging options so you can save time, money and bench spaceProduced in a sterile, clean-room environment using the purest raw materials and state-of-the-art manufacturingOffer consistent performanceFree of Human DNA, RNase, DNase, PCR Inhibitors and pyrogensFeature an inert polymer hydrophobic surface to minimize sample binding when dispensingClear packaging allows easy tip identificationColor-coded tip packaging corresponds to industry standards for volume color matching to pipettersFeature graduations at varying volumes allowing for quick checks when aspirating samplesEconomical and easy to useTowerPack: 960 Tips/Pk.E1000 XL Towerpack: 768 Tips/Pk.