$ 1,433.36
GL4 Vectors Without a Promoter and Offer Different Reporter Protein Stabilities and Puromycin ResistanceDesigned for cloning a putative promoter element for investigating gene transcription control regionsAvailable with three varieties of engineered firefly luciferase genes: luc2, luc2P or luc2CPSelect for stably transfected cells using puromycinFor research use only. This product and/or its use is subject to one or more of the following Promega patents: U.S. Pat. Appln. Ser. Nos. 09/645,706; 10/664,341; 10/943,508; U.S. Patents 5,670,356; 6,387,675 and 6,552,179, Australian Patent 698424 and various corresponding patent applications and issued patents. The terms of the limited license conveyed with the purchase of this product are as follows: Researchers may use this product in their own research and they may transfer derivatives to others for such research use provided that at the time of transfer a copy of this label license is given to the recipients and the recipients agree to be bound by the conditions of this label license. Researchers shall have no right to modify or otherwise create variations of the nucleotide sequence of the luciferase gene except that Researchers may: (1) clone heterologous DNA sequences at either or both ends of said luciferase gene so as to create fused gene sequences provided that the coding sequence of the resulting luciferase gene has no more than four deoxynucleotides missing at the affected terminus when compared to the intact luciferase gene sequence, and (2) insert and remove nucleic acid sequences in furtherance of splicing research predicated on the inactivation or reconstitution of the luminescent activity of the encoded luciferase. In addition, Researchers must do one of the following: (1) use luminescent assay reagents purchased from Promega Corporation for all determinations of luminescence activity resulting from the research use of this product and its derivatives; or (2) contact Promega to obtain a license for the use of the product and its derivatives. No other use or transfer of this product or its derivatives is authorized without the express written consent of Promega including, without limitation, Commercial Use. Commercial Use means any and all uses of this product and derivatives by a party for monetary or other consideration and may include but is not l