$ 349.60
These 96-well plates are pre-configured with the most appropriate TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assays for a specific biological process, pathway, or disease state. Each plate contains predefined assays and endogenous controls dried-down in the wells, ready for accurate assessment of an entire gene signature in one simple experiment. The first aspect of any experiment looking at relative quantitation of gene expression should be the selection of endogenous control gene(s), to normalize for variations in sample input. The Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Array Rat Endogenous Control 96-well Plate contains 32 TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assays, plated in triplicate, that target genes that have been shown to be good candidates for such an experiment. The plate contains assays to 16 commonly used housekeeping genes. The panel also contains assays to 16 rat orthologs of human genes that have been shown to be expressed constitutively and at moderate abundance across most test samples.