$ 737.20
Protect glass pipets from breakage by using resilient, chemical-resistant Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ HDPE Pipet Baskets. A perforated screen in the bottom allows cleaning solutions to fill the chamber from the bottom and is recessed 0.75″ (1.9cm) for complete drainage. Use these high-denisty polyethylene baskets inside Nalgene pipet jars to soak pipets in cleaning or disinfection solutions, then drain and transfer into the Nalgene pipet washer for automatic pipet washing and rinsing. Match size letter code for best jar and washer fits.Rugged, resilient baskets cushion pipets and won't corrodeChemically compatible with most acids, bases, alcohols and detergentsOrdering Information:Use with Nalgene pipet jars (Cat. No. 5242-series) and Pipet washers (Cat. No. 5245-series). Match size code letters for best fit.